Saturday, September 14, 2013

When and How to Get There

Hi Everyone,

It occurred to us that we left the time off our invitations.  Our wedding will begin at 6pm!  That is the time that The Boathouse will open so you can come and find your seat.  We are planning on starting the ceremony at 6:15pm.  The park is open to the public at all times, so we encourage you to explore while you are here.  Below are a few ways that you can get to The Boathouse, if you still have questions, please feel free to contact us!

Q, S, or B trains to Prospect Park Station.  Follow the sign for the Flatbush Ave. / Ocean Ave. southwest corner exit.  Turn left as you come out of the subway and walk towards the traffic light at Ocean Ave.  Cross the street to Prospect Park.  Turn left into the brick paved park entrance (Willink Drive).  Uniformed park staff will direct you to The Boathouse.  It is a short walk along the drive to the Boathouse path.

From Manhattan via Manhattan Bridge: Go straight on Flatbush Ave. approximately two miles to Grand Army Plaza.  Go halfway around traffic circle and continue on Flatbush (Botanic Garden on left, Park on right).  Just after you pass the Zoo and Lefferts Historic House on your right, turn right into the brick - paved Park entrance (Willink Drive, one hundred feet before the traffic light at the intersection of Empire Blvd. and Ocean Ave.)  Uniformed Park staff will direct you to the parking area.

From Long Island via Brooklyn - Queens Expressway West:  Exit at Tillary Street, make left at first traffic light onto Flatbush Ave. (see above directions from Manhattan via Manhattan Bridge).

If you are staying in Park Slope you can walk through the Park to the Boathouse if you are wearing comfortable shoes and have a good sense of direction.  There are entrances to the Park at 9th Street, 3rd Street, Garfield St, and Grand Army, from any of those entrances you will find yourself on "the outer loop" a road that loops around the whole park.  If it is nice outside it will be full of runners and cyclists.  Take a left (going against traffic) and eventually you will find yourself at the Boathouse. The Boathouse is not directly on the road, but you will run into one of the park staff who can direct you to the Boathouse path.  WARNING: From the 3rd Street Entrance to the Park it is still at 1 1/2 mile walk to the Boathouse.

More and more you can hail a yellow taxi in Park Slope.  Taxi drivers probably wont be familiar with getting to the Boathouse, so have the above direction handy.  We like to use Castle Car Service, the number is 718.499.9333.  You can call in advance or call right when you need to be picked up, but there is sometimes a little bit of a wait.

Morgan + Greg

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