Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Where to Stay, Surprise it's Marathon Weekend!!!

Hi All,

We are working on getting invitations out to you soon, but in the meantime I know that several of you have already begun to plan where you are staying.  Here are our recommendations with pros and cons for each.  Also a WARNING, our wedding falls on Marathon Weekend.  The NYC Marathon draws a lot of people from all over the world to every borough, so book your accommodations ASAP!  Our neighborhood is right on the race route, and while that doesn't necessarily mean that participants and spectators will be staying in our neighborhood, there is a chance that things will fill up faster then usual, so book early just in case.  

Option #1:  Airbnb

The above link will take you to search results for 2 guests arriving 11/1/13 and leaving 11/3/13, for Park Slope Brooklyn.  If you know other people coming to the wedding we recommend trying to share a bigger space, you may save some money.

Pros: Cheaper and more fun than most hotels, will allow you to stay in a great part of our neighborhood.
Cons: Rentals may be filling up fast, and you'll have to coordinate your stay with the owner of the property.  We've used Airbnb before and were very happy with the experience.

Option # 2: Holiday Inn Express

Pros: Closer than the other hotel option. Right across the street from Dinosaur BBQ.
Cons: Pricey.

Option #3: Best Western

Pros: Cheapest Hotel Option in the area.
Cons: Its about 1 mile from our neighborhood, so walking to our area might be out of the question.  You can drive to the Boathouse, and you can also take the subway or a taxi to our neighborhood from there.

Hope this helps! Please contact us if you have any questions.
Greg & Morgan

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